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Stretching the Truth About Spandex - Shelby Davidson - DyeStat

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DyeStat.com   Feb 27th 2015, 12:11am

Stretching the Truth About Spandex


By Shelby Davidson for DyeStat


There once was an article of clothing that took the running world by storm. It could be worn any place, any time, on virtually anyone, and with anything. It came in every color, style and pattern, and was carried by a majority of athletic companies and stores. Chafing was no longer a problem, bunched up shorts ceased to exist and suddenly everyone’s booty looked golden.


Yes my friends, I am talking about the magical Spandex.


Spandex (or Lycra) was brought into this beautiful world and has benefitted us in numerous ways. It’s so versatile it can be worn not only while running but with casual stores for a trip to the grocery store. It’s so comfortable, it’s almost like you’re wearing nothing (but thank God you are wearing something).


Spandex matches most things, including ratty old T-shirts or cute Nike tank tops that are too fancy and way too expensive to be worn on a summer run. Finally, Spandex are made for both men and women so no one can complain.


It’s great, but … Spandex isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. While it doesn’t cause chafing, it can surely give you a rash if you wear it too long (TMI I know but everyone knows this by now, come on).


Spandex is also a little revealing. Maybe a little more than a little. For someone with a bigger derriere (like me), it is the worst thing to run in because it rides up every five seconds. No one has time to adjust pants that often on a run, let alone in a race or something more serious. Plus, you’re giving people a free look at something they definitely shouldn’t be seeing.


The worst thing about Spandex to me is that the wrong people sometimes wear it. Guys, you shouldn’t wear Spandex. It’s creepy.


Also, girls, if you look like a marshmallow squished by rubber bands, you probably shouldn’t be wearing it, either.


So who should wear it?


Realistically, only women should wear Spandex. If I could create a law to ban men from wearing them I would. Call me biased, but I think most runner girls would agree with me that when a guy wears Spandex, they’re an awkward length, they’re very revealing (and not in a good way) and runner boy legs are usually just so tiny it makes us feel uncomfortable. It doesn’t work. So ladies, if you can rock the spandex then definitely embrace the look as long as possible.


When is it okay to wear it?


Even though I used to think this was okay, Spandex shouldn’t be worn in public. If you’ve just come from a track meet, or if you are going to the beach and no one will care, then it is OK. Otherwise, do us all a favor and cover up a little bit. It seems gross because spandex do get so sweaty, but that’s even more of a reason to throw on a pair of regular shorts over it or change into a pair of old sweatpants. It’s just common courtesy. Longer Spandex is a different story, because if it is the winter-type tights, then those can definitely be worn around. Just make sure it fits correctly.


What are some good alternatives?



If you have the same issue as me (big booty probs), definitely try running/racing in buns. Yes, by buns I mean the underwear-looking bottoms that a majority of college women wear to run. They are comfortable, they don’t ride up and even though you feel a little self-conscious at first, they make you feel so free. Obviously normal running shorts are also a safe alternative. I personally am not a fan, I would rather wear half tights even when it’s 90 degrees because they’re safe to wear in public and don’t bunch up, but most brands make nice shorts that can be comfortable for runs and can be worn just casually out to lunch or the store. 

1 comment(s)
Glad to say I don't own any, anymore.
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